Axis & Allies 1914 (WWI) (engl.)

Artikelnummer: 138-0017
Kategorie: Neuheiten
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    With the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, a fuse is lit and the armies of Europe, and soon the entire world, will be on the march. This war will be like no other ever fought in human history. With the introduction of machine guns, flying machines, tanks and chemical weapons, casualties will be measured in the millions, and advances against the enemy measured in yards.

    Eight major powers struggle for supremacy. The Central Powers of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire are aligned against the great alliance of France, the British Empire, the Russian Empire, Italy, and eventually the United States.

    Controlling one of the major powers, you will command both your countrys military forces and its wartime economy. Show that you are a brilliant military strategist by planning your attacks, marshaling your forces into embattled territories, and resolving the conflicts. Victory goes to the side that dominates its opponents on the field of battleand captures two enemy capitals. Change the course of history in a few short hours!

    Game Contents:

      400 Plastic Miniatures
      160 Plastic Chips
      120 National Control Markers
      36 Dice
      8 National storage box
      2 Game Boards
      1 Battle Board
      1 General storage box
      1 Rulebook


    Alter: ab 12 Jahre
    Spieleranzahl: für 2 - 8 Spieler
    Autor: Larry Harris
    Spieldauer: ca. 240 - 360 Minuten
    Gewicht: 2.600 g
    Kategorie: Expertenspiele
    Sprache: GB
    Verlag: Renegade Game Studios

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