Dark Souls - The Sunless City (engl.)

Artikelnummer: 168-0089
Kategorie: ab 14 Jahren
    Achtung: Verschluckbare Kleinteile, Erstickungsgefahr!
    91,99 €
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    Six years on, this new core game reimagines the original Dark Souls - The Board Game experience with refreshed rules driven by community feedback, including a new campaign and encounter system.
    Whereas the original board game included a selection of bosses and locations from the Dark Souls universe, The Sunless City focuses on the very first Dark Souls video game to deliver an immersive tabletop experience.

    The Sunless City was the shining jewel of Lordran, where sacred spires and legions of knights were bathed in perpetual golden light. An illusion hides the deceit of an empty throne, blinding the lonely spirits to the truth of their forsaken city, and their bleak existence in the ashes of a dead kingdom.
    Within these ruins, a cooperative journey of survival and heroism will unfold... for those prepared to die.
    Become the Herald, Pyromancer, or Warrior as you navigate the haunted ruins of The Sunless City. Your ultimate challenge? A brutal battle against the formidable Dragon Slayer Ornstein and the fearsome Executioner Smough.
    But success in this perilous realm hinges on one vital element: teamwork. Cooperate with your fellow Unkindled as you venture into locales once bathed in golden light, now lost to shadows. Your enemies are dangerous, their attack patterns and weaknesses waiting to be uncovered.
    Alas, death is not the end - but the price of failure is high. Should one of your characters meet their demise, the game presses on, but with a heavy price. The entire party must return to the bonfire, each encounter resetting, and the odds growing ever more challenging.
    The Sunless City beckons you to a brutal adventure. Be cautious with your resources, learn from your mistakes, and brace yourself to confront the darkness. Will you rise to the challenge, conquer the malevolent inhabitants, and emerge victorious, or will you succumb to the relentless trials that await?
    In The Sunless City, only the most resolute and unified will claim victory. Are you prepared to die?

    Game Contents:


      Alter: ab 14 Jahre
      Spieleranzahl: für 1 - 3 Spieler
      Spieldauer: ca. 90 - 120 Minuten
      Kategorie: Expertenspiele
      Sprache: GB
      Verlag: Steamforged Games

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