Conquest - W´adrhûn - Drum Beast (Colossal Bundle)

Artikelnummer: 319-0182
Kategorie: ab 14 Jahren
    Achtung: Verschluckbare Kleinteile, Erstickungsgefahr!
    149,99 €
    • Sofort verfügbar
    • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage  (Ausland abweichend)
    • Sofort verfügbar
    • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage  (Ausland abweichend)
    Achtung: Verschluckbare Kleinteile, Erstickungsgefahr!
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    The W’adrhûn are a deeply musical people, so it comes as little surprise that the beating heart of any Tribe‘s encampment is the large ritual drums and horns born on the back of a particularly docile and placid Tontorr. When the tribe marches to War, it does so to the clarion call of its massive horns and the relentless beating of its drums, the motivational power of this music pushing those W’adrhûn who fight under its influence to unprecedented heights of courage and violence.

    Nothing says W’adrhûn like Battlecries and lumbering beasts! The Drum Beast acts as a focal point for the faction‘s Chanting the Battlecry rule by manipulating battlecries, allowing a player to time them better and accelerate the rate in which Chant sequences are built.

    Contains unpainted miniatures. Assembly required.

    Game Contents:

      6 Collectible Decals
      6 Hunting Pack Miniatures (Plastic)
      3 Crew Miniatures (Plastic)
      1 Command Card
      1 Diorama Monster Base (Resin)
      1 Drum Beast Miniature (Plastic)
      1 Monster Base (Plastic)
      1 Monster Stand (Plastic)
      1 Scion of Conquest Character Command Card
      1 Scion of Conquest Character Miniature (Resin)


    Alter: ab 14 Jahre
    Spieleranzahl: nur 2 Spieler
    Spieldauer: ca. 90 Minuten
    Gewicht: 1.100 g
    Kategorie: Tabletop
    Sprache: D
    Verlag: Para Bellum Games
    Fraktionen: W´adrhûn
    Spiele: Miniaturen
    Einheitstyp: Monster
    Klassen: Heavy


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