Dungeons & Dragons - Assault of the Giants (engl.)

Artikelnummer: 134-0001
Kategorie: ab 6 Spieler
    Achtung: Verschluckbare Kleinteile, Erstickungsgefahr!
    74,99 €
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    • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage  (Ausland abweichend)
    • Sofort verfügbar
    • Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage  (Ausland abweichend)
    Achtung: Verschluckbare Kleinteile, Erstickungsgefahr!
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    Annam the All-Father, the eldest and greatest of the giant gods, has shattered the ancient caste system of the giants known as the ordning, wich throws all giantking into chaos. Now any giant with ambition can challenge the hierarchy, and no giant knows its place...

    Assault of the Giants allows 3-6 players to command armies of giants as they wage war throughout northwest Faerun. Each player represents a different giant race (hill giants, stone giants, frost giants, fire giants, cloud giants, and storm giants), each with a different agenda. The players command their giants as they assault the small folks villages and cities in order to score points and secure important resources such as food, artifacts, ore and runes.

    Game Contents:

      116 Miscellaneous Tokens
      80 Unit Tokens
      54 Command Cards
      48 Resource Cards
      19 Event Cards
      18 Spell Cards
      14 Leader/Champion Cards
      12 Combat Dice
      12 Giant Miniatures
      7 Leader Tokens
      6 Story Guide Cards
      3 Giantslayer Cards
      3 Giantslayer Miniatures
      1 Game Board


    Alter: ab 14 Jahre
    Spieleranzahl: für 3 - 6 Spieler
    Autor: Andrew Parks
    Spieldauer: ca. 60 - 150 Minuten
    Gewicht: 2.650 g
    Produktgröße: 315 x 315 x 120 mm
    Kategorie: Erwachsenenspiele
    Sprache: GB
    Verlag: WizKids

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    WizKids/NECA LLC
    603 Sweetland Ave
    NJ 07205 Hillside
    New Jersey, Vereinigte Staaten

    PBM Express B.V.
    Jacobus Lipsweg 5
    3316 BP Dordrecht


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