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The Sorcerer Kings were initially shocked to find out that human thoughts and beliefs contaminate the Elemental Domains, much as they do the Divine. The Ghols were amongst the first creatures they encountered among the shallows of the Domain of Fire, spawned by mankind‘s greed, pride and aggression. Their simple minds and base impulses have made them easy to dominate, allowing the Sorcerer Kings to discover a nigh unlimited source of cheap, expendable fodder for the battlefield.
Contains unpainted miniatures. Assembly required.
Game Contents:
12 Ghols Miniatures (Plastic)
12 Infantry Bases (Plastic)
3 Infantry Stands (Plastic)
1 Command Card
Alter: | ab 14 Jahre |
Spieleranzahl: | nur 2 Spieler |
Spieldauer: | ca. 90 Minuten |
Kategorie: | Tabletop |
Sprache: | |
Verlag: | Para Bellum Games |
Fraktionen: | Sorcerer Kings |
Spiele: | Miniaturen |
Einheitstyp: | Infanterie |
Klassen: | Light |