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The origins of chivalry and the feudal order can, like almost all institutions of the Hundred Kingdoms, be traced back to the establishment of the Kataphraktoi Taghmata in the Old Dominion. Their cost of their mount, equipment and deployment as well as effectiveness on the battlefield set these warriors on a league of their own. A Mounted Strategos is the epitome of this ancient warrior code, a paragon of a bygone age mounted on his ritual companion, whose faded glory and tattered panoply cannot dim the blazing intellect and sheer will that smolder within this faded vessel.
Contains unpainted miniatures. Assembly required.
Game Contents:
1 Cavalry Bases (Plastic)
1 Cavalry Stands (Plastic)
1 Command Card
1 Mounted Strategos Miniature (Plastic)
Alter: | ab 14 Jahre |
Spieleranzahl: | nur 2 Spieler |
Spieldauer: | ca. 90 Minuten |
Gewicht: | 130 g |
Kategorie: | Tabletop |
Sprache: | |
Verlag: | Para Bellum Games |
Fraktionen: | Old Dominion |
Spiele: | Miniaturen |
Einheitstyp: | CharakterKavallerie |
Klassen: | Medium |
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Para Bellum Retail Ltd
Inomenon Ethnon 48
6042 Larnaca
Guricon House, Zypern
Para Bellum Retail Ltd
Inomenon Ethnon 48
6042 Larnaca
Guricon House, Zypern