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Much of a City States bureaucratic apparatus is selected through a rigorous civil service exam, but the Aristarch is an exception. Handpicked from the pool of Aspirant Polemachoi by the ruling power of a City State; be it a Council, a Tyrant or even a God, an Aristarchos embodies all of the virtues of a city State and is thus chosen to lead its forces on campaign. Tested and trained to a standard even higher than that of the Polemarch, his studies focus instead on strategy, philosophy, politics and economics, allowing him to serve the role of general, ambassador or governor as needs dictate to further the power and glory of his City.
Contains unpainted miniatures. Assembly required.
Game Contents:
1 Aristarch Miniature (Resin)
1 Command Card
1 Infantry Base (Plastic)
1 Infantry Stand (Plastic)
Alter: | ab 14 Jahre |
Spieleranzahl: | nur 2 Spieler |
Spieldauer: | ca. 90 Minuten |
Gewicht: | 55 g |
Kategorie: | Tabletop |
Sprache: | |
Verlag: | Para Bellum Games |
Fraktionen: | City States |
Spiele: | Miniaturen |
Einheitstyp: | CharakterInfanterie |
Klassen: | Medium |